Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Advancing in culture? But what have we left behind?

This is something I wrote a long time ago, and recently re-discovered. I enjoyed reading it again, and I hope you do too...

Many people say that the world is constantly advancing with technology and the way people think. They claim we are more open to things that in the past we would not have been. This is true. Here is my problem:
Think back to the early American days, days were Benjamin Franklin was busy discovering electricity and Thomas Edison was working on the light bulb. Those were exciting times. The world was full of possibilities. Things were being discovered right and left, and not only were inventions being created, (the light bulb, telephone and cars to name a few,) but they were also all things that, in one way or another, helped society in some way. Fast forward and we now have iphones, ipads, hd tv, and sewing machines that can make 100 different types of stitches. Nice things, but completely useful; not really.

And it wasn't just the inventions either. There were entire areas of the world completely undiscovered. (Still true today, but less so.) This was an exciting time with the ability to see something that hardly anyone had seen before. Take the Lewis and Clark expedition for example. They had the adventure of a lifetime, seeing things noone else had and discovering new things. I think we've kind of lost the wonder for all the world has to offer and what we still could discover today.

If these things alone aren't enough, people were much different in their relations with each other. My father always uses the 50's as an example. People cared about each other, and were always there to help you if you needed a helping hand. Back then, you knew all of your neighbors and cared! Now, you just try to avoid your neighbors as much as possible and hope they don't bother you at all. And if they need a helping hand, you would rather do something else than to be bothered to help. You also never heard of unwed mothers back then either. People had more decency than to leave a woman in a situation like that. That's not to say unwed mothers of today are wrong, i believe the men are wrong if they believe they can have a child with a girl and leave her to take care of it. That just isn't right.

While this is just my opinion, I believe it is quite sad that our "advancing world" could be so cold. We may have advanced, but we have also left some of our most desirable qualities behind in history. My hope is that someday this will no longer be so, but it does make you think. We need to rediscover the wonder for our world, the sense of adventure and mystery that goes with it. We need to find our own decency and give it to others-make this a better world through our actions and words. These are small steps, but they need to be done desperately. Let's not leave anything else behind, let's bring all the good with us in these next generations!

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